Thursday, June 30, 2005 | 8:58 PM |
i didn't went to sch todae. went for dental appointment again.. todae wore braces oh.. reached dental clinic around 8.30. then went in, dentist immediately do the braces thing.. i was quite nervous, i thought it would be painful as what my friend's say, but is not. i doesn't felt any pain, but once the metal thing is inside my mouth, i could feel my whole teeth is so tight together, not very comfortable lor.. i could not eat hard food for few months,the dentist said the uncomfortable feeling is just temporarily lor. hope is just temporarily. i chose pink as my braces colour.. my friends say it's too bright la.. ha.. they say when i speak, they sure will look at my mouth first.. cause the pink colour too striking. ha.. ok fine.. next visit, maybe i will choose white colour. todae in the canteen, i ordered chicken rice. damn, cant even bite. i kept swallowed the food. i added some mee so soup inside my rice so that i can eat more easlier lor. and the rice like kept stucked inside the metal thing. oh.. so ma fan. think everytime got to wash my mouth after eating. my mouth now so uncomfortable. got to put this braces for two yrs plus.. arhh.. i just cant stop thinking of takin this thing out from my mouth, its just one dae, i already cant tahan liao. and got ulcer somemore after putting the braces, adding pain to my mouth. two yrs ahh.. after putting on the braces.. do i look ugly?? 
Friday, June 24, 2005 | 11:16 PM |
oo.. sentosa todae.. had a great fun.. the second one on june holidae.. wake up early, went mac had our breakfast.. i cant even finished my kaya bread cause i had an extraction yesterdae. its so pain to eat, cant bite properly.. had to put braces next week.. got to becareful about my ying shi liao.. cannot eat too hard food. so ma fan.. well.. again. took bus, although reached there got abit of rain.. but soon yu guo tian qing.. the sun out after a while.. this time i played roller skate.. my goodness.. so long never skate liao man.. we walked all the way to siloso beach, cause the bicyle stall is at there.. damn far.. one hour $7, we played for an hour.. some rent bicycle some same as mi.. skating.. didn't fall down.. ha.. i can skate very well de lei.. skate all the way to balawan beach.. although tired, but worth it.. he... this time some guys went back quite early.. only left with two guys. again.. we played volleyball, captain ball inside the water.. fun fun.. hai.. holidae going to finish le.. schooling again.. preparing for o'level now.. revising all the topic we learnt over the past few yrs.. going to be a busy yr. aim high.. look forward.. going to be challenging le..
Thursday, June 23, 2005 | 11:51 AM |
haven been blog for quite some days.. lazy.. ha.... ok.. i will start from yesterdae de.. went for Zoe conference... first time so early went to church.. reached there only few ppl.. dun look like what i seen on sundae.. filled packed with ppl.. aiya.. cause still early ma.. ha.. then some of my members already reached le, so we waited for the other members slowly to come then waited for the time so we can go to the main audi to sit.. as we reached the main audi.. first time saw the hall with so many empty seat, maybe i too qua zhan ba.. yeah.. i am.. cause everytime went for service, the seats always got ppl wan.. can say the main audi that dae belongs to our zone.. we only filled the front row.. only couple of row and few hundred of ppls.. so we sing and worship, then Bro darren were preaching about "CREATIVITY" we must be creative in order to rule the world and the market place, reach out for the people there. after lunch, we started our first workshop.i went for the music session.. too bad, these workshop needs a laptop but our cell group members dun have.. but we manage to get to another group to share lor.. we learnt how to create nice music, how to make those pop song, R&B, blar blar.. so after our teacher taught out the steps, we went to one corner to create our own music, yeah.. its indeed fun.. although i didn't do anything.. ha. then afterthat went for night session.. same as morning.. got preaching, sing and worship. so that dae end at 7.30pm.. we went coffeeshop eat after that.. its was crowded with ppl man.. but we manage to book a space to sit.. ha.. whole table is our group.. 3 different of cell group.. so reached home around 9.30pm lor.. todae going for the dental again, now still early, so blog lor. arhh.. going to take out another two teeth.. right side now.. going to have fever again..haiz.. now so bored at home.. haven do my homework.. shit!! haven wash my sch shoes, damn!! haven pack my bag.. oh no!! well well.. what am i doing these few weeks huh.. so much daes to do yet all these thng haven done yet.. still left three days lei before schooling ... better do before its to late.. ok le.. buai blog!!
Saturday, June 18, 2005 | 8:05 PM |
since i went dental on wed and had the extraction,plucked out my two left teeth, ate porridge at the coffeeshop near my house, reached home found that i had fever after i reached home. went xiuwen's house to meet for remedial.. bong told mi that after plucked teeth will caused fever de. its normal.. they asked mi dun go for the remedial lor.. i took taxi and had a rest at home.. the next morning, i still have fever.. slept from the last nite 10pm to the next noon 12 then again 1pm to 5pm.. i slept almost whole dae.. fever realli makes mi terrible and sleepy.. ate medicine, alright after a while but after some time, fever again. it just like the fever came back and fore lor. dunnoe whether izit infection .. had fever for four daes.. todae still haven recovered. and somemore felt giddy.. next week still got to pluck two right teeth.. the following week think can put braces le ba. mum told mi it will be very tough and terrible to mi after i put the braces. cause im very weak .. dunnoe can tahan not. had to put braces for two or three yrs?? you de shou.. ha.. dunnoe feel happy or sad after putting the braces.. since i waited for so long.. the dae finally come.. tml got to go church.. God, give mi more strength and energy.. im very weak now..!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 | 9:41 PM |
yesterdae bbq was fun and successful.. although there are some bengs and lians creating trouble there, almost had a fight but peace in the end.. went early to prepare the food, meat not cut, and not season.. haiz.. end up do all these at there. but love to do all these.. haha.. food almost finished, but didn't eat the satay.. too bad.. drinks just nice.. stil got left some packet of drinks. we drank beer, liquor.. some taste nice some taste awful.. i like the liquor with favour.. cant believe i can drink beer that dae. i dun like the taste of beer.. but just dunnoe y i wanne drink.. maybe c them drink, let mi feel like drinking too. haha.. wonder we graduate le still got this kind gathering ma?? hope we still can manage to contact each other even we graduate..
Friday, June 10, 2005 | 9:04 PM |
Sentosa trip was fun todae.. i'm a blackie now... ha... can see the difference of my skin colour now.. oh.. todae weather were realli damn hot.. i almost become a roasted duck... played volleyball, captain ball inside the water, dog and bone.. then went far far sea there sat at the yellow thing lor.. dunnoe call what la.. was kanna scold by the secuity guard cause i was using the ball to support mi to the yellow thing, so he thought i cant swim.. but i can!! when at the yellow thing there, was damn giddy when lying there lor.. cause the wave quite big ma.. the yellow thing then keep moving.. almost puke.. cant stand it. many NS ppl came.. alot shuai ge lei.. haha.. but none i liked.. they were having training there,and they played volleyball, we watched them play lor.. played with them too.. we won... yeah!! but i didn't touched the ball and played anyway.. ha. just stand there and waited for the ball to come.. around five something came out from sentosa.. went to eat dinner with the rest of ppl.. some went home, some got somethng on.. then i went back home myself cause they playing pool lor.. i dun wan play... i alone took bus and reach home around seven.. just nice to see tong xin yuan.. tonite ying ca yang cuo last episode lei.. that show realli nice lor. dunnoe ying jian is realli like that not.. who knows.. :p
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 | 10:40 AM |
lets started with my day yeaterdae.. erm. went for geo lesson as i already missed one of the lesson le.. Mrs goh got to teach both of the two groups, and she's very busy running here and there. although wasted plenty of time doing nothing but chit chatting,i still learned something in the end la. but got homework.. hai.. so after that no remedial. nothing. mi and wen went to my house.. we played poker cards.. then spent our day inside my room.. aftenoon rushed for the afternoon session of EMERGE,we took taxi to the church as we are almost late, that driver came from hougang and dunnoe how to go jurong, turned here and there,dunnoe where izit just let us down ma. wasted our time and wasted our money.. forget it.. so when we reached there, the programme started liao.. it was dark as we went in, we sitted at the stair, my butt were painful after sittng for so long.. ha.. so the programme started with the first candidates,they were dancing, and follow on with solo singing,drama, musical performance and many more. and those were the finalist,one word to describe the whole talent challange "fantastic" especially the drama "singspear", damn funny lor. the funny version of Romeo and Juilet" ha.. end the drama with funny ending.. i was laughing all the way.. the whole seesion end at six, and again we line up for the night session wan.. was lining up at the stair for an hour plus, all ppl were sweating. why we got to end up like this.. damn stuffy inside, and floor were wet. cos the sweat ma.. isn't it sound terrible and digusting.anyway from this, ppl can jian fei ma.. sauna..haha.. so as we went in, there is no single sit for us and even the stair are packed with ppl. WHAT.. is this the result we got after lining up for so long ma.. ppl are Fire for God!! this what i could see from it.. yeah!! Todae went for English rememdial. only an hour. revising on paper 2 lor.. then went to eat mac with wen.. later going for the afternoon session again.. and this time is the Preaching wan.. one of my cell group member are in for the final. of course got to go there and support him.. rite.. SHAWN!! jia you!!!
Sunday, June 05, 2005 | 11:40 AM |
oo... a formal pic of us!!  AND.. a informal pic of us!! ha. cute sia..  three of us!!  Yesterdae Jubilation nite was sort of ok la.. thought there will be table and chair to sit. but in the end standing.. many ppl wear wore very formal wor but there are casual too.. when i reached there, many ppl were chatting and waiting there.. all seems came much earlier than us. as we were waiting- some sort of dunnoe where to go. those prefect came to approach us to buy the 40 years booklet.. $10 for each.. mi and clair was like keep shaking our head lor.. but she say very worth it la.. 40 year once only lor. but whatever she say, we keep shaking our head.. ha.. then a guy came and ask to buy watch which the design are specially designed by our yusoffians. but too bad, at home got watch le. or else i will buy.. then as we walked towards the crowd, there are teachers standing and asking us to take out our tickets then they chop our hands. we then saw the art corner, then we went in to the hall, alot ppl were inside chatting, inside atmosphere were great, very cosy. the speech started at 8.. were quite boring cause everytime ppl singing or dancing.. and somemore ppl singing out of tune.. my goodness.. then the food hmmmm.. not bad la. especially the cake lor.. smelled nice.. then went level 1 play acrade.. ha... we even cant finish the coin ppl give us.. but in the end, we managed to used up all.. so we went back again, standing, dunnoe what to do. when the party ends, my friends were keep playing balloons, pull the balloon from the ceiling.. ha.. they were having fun playing with the balloon. dunnnoe why.. we 11 plus came out of the hall, they collected many balloons, indeed many.. we walked to the IMM but i didn't go with them to have drink cause mum keep nagging to ask mi home.. so i took taxi and mum paid.. cause i didn't brought money there.. at nite, hungry, ate coffee with biscuit.. ha.. but manage to sleep lor.. although i drank a cup of coffee.. maybe tired ba.. ha..
Thursday, June 30, 2005 | 8:58 PM | Top
i didn't went to sch todae. went for dental appointment again.. todae wore braces oh.. reached dental clinic around 8.30. then went in, dentist immediately do the braces thing.. i was quite nervous, i thought it would be painful as what my friend's say, but is not. i doesn't felt any pain, but once the metal thing is inside my mouth, i could feel my whole teeth is so tight together, not very comfortable lor.. i could not eat hard food for few months,the dentist said the uncomfortable feeling is just temporarily lor. hope is just temporarily. i chose pink as my braces colour.. my friends say it's too bright la.. ha.. they say when i speak, they sure will look at my mouth first.. cause the pink colour too striking. ha.. ok fine.. next visit, maybe i will choose white colour. todae in the canteen, i ordered chicken rice. damn, cant even bite. i kept swallowed the food. i added some mee so soup inside my rice so that i can eat more easlier lor. and the rice like kept stucked inside the metal thing. oh.. so ma fan. think everytime got to wash my mouth after eating. my mouth now so uncomfortable. got to put this braces for two yrs plus.. arhh.. i just cant stop thinking of takin this thing out from my mouth, its just one dae, i already cant tahan liao. and got ulcer somemore after putting the braces, adding pain to my mouth. two yrs ahh.. after putting on the braces.. do i look ugly?? 
Friday, June 24, 2005 | 11:16 PM | Top
oo.. sentosa todae.. had a great fun.. the second one on june holidae.. wake up early, went mac had our breakfast.. i cant even finished my kaya bread cause i had an extraction yesterdae. its so pain to eat, cant bite properly.. had to put braces next week.. got to becareful about my ying shi liao.. cannot eat too hard food. so ma fan.. well.. again. took bus, although reached there got abit of rain.. but soon yu guo tian qing.. the sun out after a while.. this time i played roller skate.. my goodness.. so long never skate liao man.. we walked all the way to siloso beach, cause the bicyle stall is at there.. damn far.. one hour $7, we played for an hour.. some rent bicycle some same as mi.. skating.. didn't fall down.. ha.. i can skate very well de lei.. skate all the way to balawan beach.. although tired, but worth it.. he... this time some guys went back quite early.. only left with two guys. again.. we played volleyball, captain ball inside the water.. fun fun.. hai.. holidae going to finish le.. schooling again.. preparing for o'level now.. revising all the topic we learnt over the past few yrs.. going to be a busy yr. aim high.. look forward.. going to be challenging le..
Thursday, June 23, 2005 | 11:51 AM | Top
haven been blog for quite some days.. lazy.. ha.... ok.. i will start from yesterdae de.. went for Zoe conference... first time so early went to church.. reached there only few ppl.. dun look like what i seen on sundae.. filled packed with ppl.. aiya.. cause still early ma.. ha.. then some of my members already reached le, so we waited for the other members slowly to come then waited for the time so we can go to the main audi to sit.. as we reached the main audi.. first time saw the hall with so many empty seat, maybe i too qua zhan ba.. yeah.. i am.. cause everytime went for service, the seats always got ppl wan.. can say the main audi that dae belongs to our zone.. we only filled the front row.. only couple of row and few hundred of ppls.. so we sing and worship, then Bro darren were preaching about "CREATIVITY" we must be creative in order to rule the world and the market place, reach out for the people there. after lunch, we started our first workshop.i went for the music session.. too bad, these workshop needs a laptop but our cell group members dun have.. but we manage to get to another group to share lor.. we learnt how to create nice music, how to make those pop song, R&B, blar blar.. so after our teacher taught out the steps, we went to one corner to create our own music, yeah.. its indeed fun.. although i didn't do anything.. ha. then afterthat went for night session.. same as morning.. got preaching, sing and worship. so that dae end at 7.30pm.. we went coffeeshop eat after that.. its was crowded with ppl man.. but we manage to book a space to sit.. ha.. whole table is our group.. 3 different of cell group.. so reached home around 9.30pm lor.. todae going for the dental again, now still early, so blog lor. arhh.. going to take out another two teeth.. right side now.. going to have fever again..haiz.. now so bored at home.. haven do my homework.. shit!! haven wash my sch shoes, damn!! haven pack my bag.. oh no!! well well.. what am i doing these few weeks huh.. so much daes to do yet all these thng haven done yet.. still left three days lei before schooling ... better do before its to late.. ok le.. buai blog!!
Saturday, June 18, 2005 | 8:05 PM | Top
since i went dental on wed and had the extraction,plucked out my two left teeth, ate porridge at the coffeeshop near my house, reached home found that i had fever after i reached home. went xiuwen's house to meet for remedial.. bong told mi that after plucked teeth will caused fever de. its normal.. they asked mi dun go for the remedial lor.. i took taxi and had a rest at home.. the next morning, i still have fever.. slept from the last nite 10pm to the next noon 12 then again 1pm to 5pm.. i slept almost whole dae.. fever realli makes mi terrible and sleepy.. ate medicine, alright after a while but after some time, fever again. it just like the fever came back and fore lor. dunnoe whether izit infection .. had fever for four daes.. todae still haven recovered. and somemore felt giddy.. next week still got to pluck two right teeth.. the following week think can put braces le ba. mum told mi it will be very tough and terrible to mi after i put the braces. cause im very weak .. dunnoe can tahan not. had to put braces for two or three yrs?? you de shou.. ha.. dunnoe feel happy or sad after putting the braces.. since i waited for so long.. the dae finally come.. tml got to go church.. God, give mi more strength and energy.. im very weak now..!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 | 9:41 PM | Top
yesterdae bbq was fun and successful.. although there are some bengs and lians creating trouble there, almost had a fight but peace in the end.. went early to prepare the food, meat not cut, and not season.. haiz.. end up do all these at there. but love to do all these.. haha.. food almost finished, but didn't eat the satay.. too bad.. drinks just nice.. stil got left some packet of drinks. we drank beer, liquor.. some taste nice some taste awful.. i like the liquor with favour.. cant believe i can drink beer that dae. i dun like the taste of beer.. but just dunnoe y i wanne drink.. maybe c them drink, let mi feel like drinking too. haha.. wonder we graduate le still got this kind gathering ma?? hope we still can manage to contact each other even we graduate..
Friday, June 10, 2005 | 9:04 PM | Top
Sentosa trip was fun todae.. i'm a blackie now... ha... can see the difference of my skin colour now.. oh.. todae weather were realli damn hot.. i almost become a roasted duck... played volleyball, captain ball inside the water, dog and bone.. then went far far sea there sat at the yellow thing lor.. dunnoe call what la.. was kanna scold by the secuity guard cause i was using the ball to support mi to the yellow thing, so he thought i cant swim.. but i can!! when at the yellow thing there, was damn giddy when lying there lor.. cause the wave quite big ma.. the yellow thing then keep moving.. almost puke.. cant stand it. many NS ppl came.. alot shuai ge lei.. haha.. but none i liked.. they were having training there,and they played volleyball, we watched them play lor.. played with them too.. we won... yeah!! but i didn't touched the ball and played anyway.. ha. just stand there and waited for the ball to come.. around five something came out from sentosa.. went to eat dinner with the rest of ppl.. some went home, some got somethng on.. then i went back home myself cause they playing pool lor.. i dun wan play... i alone took bus and reach home around seven.. just nice to see tong xin yuan.. tonite ying ca yang cuo last episode lei.. that show realli nice lor. dunnoe ying jian is realli like that not.. who knows.. :p
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 | 10:40 AM | Top
lets started with my day yeaterdae.. erm. went for geo lesson as i already missed one of the lesson le.. Mrs goh got to teach both of the two groups, and she's very busy running here and there. although wasted plenty of time doing nothing but chit chatting,i still learned something in the end la. but got homework.. hai.. so after that no remedial. nothing. mi and wen went to my house.. we played poker cards.. then spent our day inside my room.. aftenoon rushed for the afternoon session of EMERGE,we took taxi to the church as we are almost late, that driver came from hougang and dunnoe how to go jurong, turned here and there,dunnoe where izit just let us down ma. wasted our time and wasted our money.. forget it.. so when we reached there, the programme started liao.. it was dark as we went in, we sitted at the stair, my butt were painful after sittng for so long.. ha.. so the programme started with the first candidates,they were dancing, and follow on with solo singing,drama, musical performance and many more. and those were the finalist,one word to describe the whole talent challange "fantastic" especially the drama "singspear", damn funny lor. the funny version of Romeo and Juilet" ha.. end the drama with funny ending.. i was laughing all the way.. the whole seesion end at six, and again we line up for the night session wan.. was lining up at the stair for an hour plus, all ppl were sweating. why we got to end up like this.. damn stuffy inside, and floor were wet. cos the sweat ma.. isn't it sound terrible and digusting.anyway from this, ppl can jian fei ma.. sauna..haha.. so as we went in, there is no single sit for us and even the stair are packed with ppl. WHAT.. is this the result we got after lining up for so long ma.. ppl are Fire for God!! this what i could see from it.. yeah!! Todae went for English rememdial. only an hour. revising on paper 2 lor.. then went to eat mac with wen.. later going for the afternoon session again.. and this time is the Preaching wan.. one of my cell group member are in for the final. of course got to go there and support him.. rite.. SHAWN!! jia you!!!
Sunday, June 05, 2005 | 11:40 AM | Top
oo... a formal pic of us!!  AND.. a informal pic of us!! ha. cute sia..  three of us!!  Yesterdae Jubilation nite was sort of ok la.. thought there will be table and chair to sit. but in the end standing.. many ppl wear wore very formal wor but there are casual too.. when i reached there, many ppl were chatting and waiting there.. all seems came much earlier than us. as we were waiting- some sort of dunnoe where to go. those prefect came to approach us to buy the 40 years booklet.. $10 for each.. mi and clair was like keep shaking our head lor.. but she say very worth it la.. 40 year once only lor. but whatever she say, we keep shaking our head.. ha.. then a guy came and ask to buy watch which the design are specially designed by our yusoffians. but too bad, at home got watch le. or else i will buy.. then as we walked towards the crowd, there are teachers standing and asking us to take out our tickets then they chop our hands. we then saw the art corner, then we went in to the hall, alot ppl were inside chatting, inside atmosphere were great, very cosy. the speech started at 8.. were quite boring cause everytime ppl singing or dancing.. and somemore ppl singing out of tune.. my goodness.. then the food hmmmm.. not bad la. especially the cake lor.. smelled nice.. then went level 1 play acrade.. ha... we even cant finish the coin ppl give us.. but in the end, we managed to used up all.. so we went back again, standing, dunnoe what to do. when the party ends, my friends were keep playing balloons, pull the balloon from the ceiling.. ha.. they were having fun playing with the balloon. dunnnoe why.. we 11 plus came out of the hall, they collected many balloons, indeed many.. we walked to the IMM but i didn't go with them to have drink cause mum keep nagging to ask mi home.. so i took taxi and mum paid.. cause i didn't brought money there.. at nite, hungry, ate coffee with biscuit.. ha.. but manage to sleep lor.. although i drank a cup of coffee.. maybe tired ba.. ha..
More About Me
Currently working part time job as a beauty advisor.
Graduated from Ngee Ann poly, diploma of Electronic & comp eng
Attached to Mr Wayne Lai :)
PINK is her favourite colour.(as you can see from my blogskin):)
further study next year, perhaps SIM studying business course?
wanne go overseas by end of this year! taiwan, hongkong, bangkok... anywhere!
i love winnie!
E30 & N289's blog
Shirley Ling
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