Friday, April 29, 2005 | 8:40 PM |
had my english paper 1 and 2 todae.. although its just a mid yr exam.. but im still nervous man.. cause its my hated subject.. ok.. so we went to the hall and sit for the exam.. sec four and five were there.. was stuffy and hot in there.. no fan infront of mi.. was sweating.. then had my english paper 1 first.. when i recieved the paper, i stared at the qn and immediately, i chose qn about the gambling wan.. but when begin.. i was totally lost.. not sure what to start lor.. then i keep changing my sentence, rewrite it over and over again.. so i wasted alot of time on that.. i started my paper after eight.. can u imagine that..so i got no time left for my paper 1 and section two.. and guess what.. i wrote OUT OF POINT.. arh..... actually what i wrote at first is that about i want to close down the swimming complex, but later on i changed it.. cause i didn't read the sentence properly.. but actually they asked us to write not to close down the complex.. dead le lor.. wun score for my section two. and i think my section one wun also do very good.. haiz.. paper two can say quite easy la.. alot ppl also said that.. hope will score better for that to push up the marks.. after sch, went mac with wen and layee. then asked huili to meet us too.. then after that went west mall with layee.. we watch " infection" hm.. was quite a disgusting show.. but nice la.. although i dun realli understand what is the whole stort talking about. then reach home abt five.. mum and sis stay at uncle's house todae till sundae perhaps or mondae.. so i can sleep on my parent's bed lor..hoho.. three days the bed is mine.. comfortable and nice bed.. ZZZ
Sunday, April 24, 2005 | 12:43 AM |
blog so late cause i just came back from outside.. after bathing realli relaxing.. ok.. todae went for the seminar.. so we meet others in the bus where some meet st the bus stop ar, then got some wait at the interchange. zhi ming was the last one yet he live so near.. and somemore he forget to take the seminar's receipt.ok fine.. anway he still able to get in.. then we reach just nice eight o'clock.. then we sit one whole row together.. then the first speaker was mr ramesh.. he realli realli funny.. look abit like mr bean.. his way of presenting damn humourous and funny.. i was laughing all the way.. he taught us strageies ar, what right and left brain, then memory things with creative.. basically im a right brain type.. a right brain does rhythm, creativity , imagination, colours.. let mi explain clearly y am i a right brain.. cause i always daydreaming in class, im exploring my dream.. thats what he say.. then got colours image appear in my dream, some sort like creativity..then what throw things anyway not in sequence wan.. ha.. ok.. im not a left brain. a left brain do things very sequence.. im not that type.. then somemore linearity, logic blah blah..ok.. so after the breakfast and lunch.. another speaker came.. she called cherie.. she taught us how to read passage faster in a shorter time.. reali short time. like read 600 plus words in a minutes.. that possible.. she say there are one 12 yrs old kid read the whole harry potter book in just 12 mins time.. i was like"wha, amazing.." ha.. ok.. but i almost managed to read 600 plus in one mintue after the session.. ok.. then after our tea break, actually we have four eating time todae.. damn full man.. then she talks again.. about our fear ar.. future, goals. and she asked us to close our eyes and visualise..and she blah blah.. then we sang " if we hold on together" that song i like.. i sang and cried actually.. cause my mind was like i reali regretted what i done in those days.. ok.. after dinner, is adamn khoo.. but is with parents de. we can stay and listen.. but we stayed, what he said was repeated.. so we left.. and i, bong , xuan went lot 1 shopping.. took pics.. ha.. then went home around eleven plus.. luckily took the last 61 bus.. ha.
Thursday, April 21, 2005 | 4:42 PM |
didn't blog for some days.. so i will say from tuesdae first.. tuesdae after sch.. ivon called mi and asked mi to go for the live recording. cause grace cant go ma. she got work.. but is from 8-11 lei. damn late to mi lor.. but she say won't so late de la.. ok.. then i agreed.. that nite i met her then went to the city harvest church.. we reached there quite eraly, so we went to eat dinner lor. after that queueing up to go b4.. im quite excited abt it althought its just rehearsal todae la.. then song sheet was prepared for us.. i read it.. only some song i noe.. ha.. pastor kong teached us what should we do this or that.. we sang around ten plus song. it will published as a dvd and sell to the world.. so we sang, praise the lord and after we sang finished, i think aorund eleven le ba.. damn late lor.. i was scared no bus to go home nehz. so got shuttle bus brought us to the mrt station.. i got to walk back to the bus stop again. big round.. waste time. but luckily got bus to go home. luckily.. then next dae i didn;t go to sch.. got gastric pain. maybe yesterdae didn't dinner ba. so on wed.. i went to c doctor. after that ivon came to my house. then met bong to go for the youth gathering. but in the end. is a waste trip.. cause they got to practise for the cheer all those thing. then we are o'level student. so we dun wan to go lor.. then we found out. only we three are o'level student. so pai seh.. ha.. i then went straight for the live recording again. was live de. real wan.. but only for the second disc lor.. first disc is thursdae. but yesterdae worst.. eleven something then finished.. i was nervous. realli scared no bus.. by the time i reached bus stop, already twelve plus le.. but i waited, and finally got bus to go home. wat a close shave.. otherwise got to walk home le.ha.. then went to sch todae. damn tired.. yesterdae didn't slp enough time.. luckily todae no need go for th live recording. otherwise.... my panda eyes going to come out le.
Friday, April 15, 2005 | 9:25 PM |
todae in the morning wake up.. took a earlier bus then meet bong and lala to take cake.. for mrs michell's bir de.. tml is her bir ma.. so going to celebrate todae.. todae is our school 40th annual anniversery...only study until 10.30.. yeah man.. but still got lesson.. haiz. those audience went to the hall for rehearsing.. diao lei.. then after sch.. i went to the art room.. those pupils had prepared to give a surprise to mrs michell.. ha.. then once the door opened.. we say happy birthdae.. wa.. great man.. she was surpried.. so after that i and xiuwen went jurong east.. ha.. k box oh.. from 11-2pm.. cause we got nothing to do ma.. sing sing.. we love to sing "dong hua" so gan dong nehz.. and ke lian..:( then reach sch around three something.. we went to the music room.. get our costume and got change.. make up liao.. then warm up.. just like what we did for SYF. took alot pics too.. ha.. when times up.. we went down to the canteen, then next to the back stage.. and finally... choir performance.. yeah.. was so nervous man.. i was standing at the second row the last person at the side.. after finished singing.. u noe what guys told us. they said the mic wasn't on.. diao.. no wonder we cant hear boys la.. anyway is still sound great to mi.. best performance after so many times of practices.. we went straight to the canteen. eat buffet..damn hungry after waiting and singing for soo long.. haiz. todse our last performance for the choir.. haiz.. abit she bu de nehz.. well.. just hopping that choir will continue be so great.. he... and cant wait for the choir performing in NDP.. :P
Thursday, April 14, 2005 | 10:36 PM |
hey hey.. todae my bir oh.. i am officially 17 yrs old le.. another yr older.. haiz. lao le.. time really run very very fast.. so fast im 17.. just remember back.. i thought im still secondary one or two.. but now already sec five liao.. haiz.. so fast.. ok la.. todae recieved some presents from my dear friends.. he.. thanks ya.. and some wishing from my classmates and choir members.. they even sang mi bir song.. aiyo.. so touched.. ha.. even bir got to go for rehearsal.. dun have time to go celebrate.. but still got la.. after the rehearsal.. i went meet bong lor.. but we got went home change clothes lor.. or not chao chao.. ha.. we went to eat sakae sushi.. so many ppl.. line up abt fifteen minutes..?? not sure.. i didn't take note of the time..we eat very fast.. not eat alot la.. then went shopping..our zui ai.. ha... i didn't brought anything. bong got brought a perm hair wan.. make curly de.. i wan..make le nice sia.. went home abt ten lor.. after some hours.. my bir over le.. so fast.. gonna wait another yr.. ha....
Sunday, April 10, 2005 | 8:20 PM |
early wake up todae.. hm... yesterdae went for cell group meeting then went to bugis to have our lunch.. after that.. go walk walk lor.. after walked for some times, we leave our members first.. cause im going to my auntie house swimming.. ha.. bong and wen also went there.. he.. so as we reached the house there,alot ppl was there wor.. ok.. then we got change and jump down to the swimming pool... ha.. todae went eat breakfast with bong, wen and huili.. we went long john sliver eat lor.. saw kim ng.. zai pai xi oh.. she was fnding what ten yr old kids la.. then they all kep suaning mi ask mi go find her.. cause i look like ten yrs old.. aiyooo... then after that went to city harvest... before that got bible study, we were late but anyway mangae to finsh our chapter one.. ok.. after the preaching.. we went to nearby coffee shop with my cell group members.. they often went there after the meeting.. so after all eat finished.. we play zong ji mi ma.. ha.. was damn fun.. gthose lose wan.. got to draw pic on his/her hand. i was kanna once. ha.. then before we go.. a big surprise came.. my cell group member celebrate my bir and hui li's bir.. they handmade a big butterfly for mi.. it was anwesome.. and also brought cakes for us.. they gave mi a bible that i longed to have after i joined city harvest.. so it save mi alot of money actually.. ha... was so touched what they have done for mi... well.. thanks for what u all have done.. im appreciated a lot.. :) this is the handmade butterfly they gave mi.. nice?? 
Wednesday, April 06, 2005 | 8:39 PM |
forget to blog my day for yesterdae. so i got to blog todae.. well.. yesterdae was a important dae for mi.. ha.. its SYF. well.. was nervous all the way to the stage.. we being call out during assembly.. then all went to the music room. so we were ask who haven eat breakfast.. alot ppl raise up thier hands..so for us. those wo ate breakfast liao.. we went to change lor..then after i change finished.. u cant imagine what hapenened.. the emergency bell rang.. and u noe we like wearing our costume.. we cant even go to the field to assemble.. luckily, mrs lim allow us for excusing. so we wait in the foryer.. then after all choir members came back, we went back to the music, prepare for warm up, then make up... we all doll up like... cant explain.. my face all pink pink red red de.. ha... our costume was a purple wan.. with ribbon at the side shoulder.. then got tie a pink ribbon to the hair.. at eleven, we start to get up the bus and ready to go.... yipee.. in bus, we still trying to sing, practise those line we are not sure.. as we reached.. alot others sch choir reached le. then we all waited at the assembly area.. one by one went to the practice room.. after that, its our turn.. i smiled, slowly walked to the stage and stand on the first stair.. we smiled all the way ill the painst arrived.. he was late.. he late abt ten mins.. then my smiled started to become fake.. ha.. ok.. finally, the painst came , we then happily sing.. sing sing till the last song. we bowed and slowly went out.. after that.. i was relieved.. i keep asking myself," are we singing well?" ok.. anyway is over... so we watched woodgrove sec sch.. they were the last sch in the morning session.. then we waited the result.. as they read our sch.. i was panicked.. "yusof ishak sec sch, bronze" i was happi but abit sad. cause thought we could get a sliver.. haiz.. after sch.. went k box with bong, wen and kristy... dunnoe when was the last time i went there. last yr?? ha.. was singing madly.. all like siao char bo.. ha... anyway.. was happi todae... :P
Friday, April 01, 2005 | 10:21 PM |
todae was a real tiring dae.. after sch went for choir at 1.30.. supposed to be 3.30 wan. but then they wan us come earlier dunnoe for what. ok.. then we went, we discussd abt the syf stuff ar, what make- but they win up ar.. what colour for the ribbon ar.. meet what time ar.. and somemore on the day of sfy, we got to go for the first period for our english reading. actually dun have wan. but then mrs lim wan us to... what can we do.. after that, all the time is for the choir. prepare for everything. cant wait for the syf.. ha.. and after discussing. we like nothin to do le lor, is an hour before the choir start. we like sitting there do bo. play game.. ha. hand game. then exco was having meeting. we go for our own rehearsal lor.. after that, went for the dabates lor.. they all got soemthing on to do as like door god.. press the bell wan.. where i can walk anywhere i wan. was boring. but got ting pei.. ha.. went for two section.. one is mgs against chij.. not sure who win.. i went out earlier. then went for our sch wan.. actully i never thought our sch will win. cause they say" limit=ban"? i was huh.. they same meaning mehz. but they win anyway.. congratulate them... went home abt eight plus.. tml got cell group meeting. got to slp earlier. nite blog.
Friday, April 29, 2005 | 8:40 PM | Top
had my english paper 1 and 2 todae.. although its just a mid yr exam.. but im still nervous man.. cause its my hated subject.. ok.. so we went to the hall and sit for the exam.. sec four and five were there.. was stuffy and hot in there.. no fan infront of mi.. was sweating.. then had my english paper 1 first.. when i recieved the paper, i stared at the qn and immediately, i chose qn about the gambling wan.. but when begin.. i was totally lost.. not sure what to start lor.. then i keep changing my sentence, rewrite it over and over again.. so i wasted alot of time on that.. i started my paper after eight.. can u imagine that..so i got no time left for my paper 1 and section two.. and guess what.. i wrote OUT OF POINT.. arh..... actually what i wrote at first is that about i want to close down the swimming complex, but later on i changed it.. cause i didn't read the sentence properly.. but actually they asked us to write not to close down the complex.. dead le lor.. wun score for my section two. and i think my section one wun also do very good.. haiz.. paper two can say quite easy la.. alot ppl also said that.. hope will score better for that to push up the marks.. after sch, went mac with wen and layee. then asked huili to meet us too.. then after that went west mall with layee.. we watch " infection" hm.. was quite a disgusting show.. but nice la.. although i dun realli understand what is the whole stort talking about. then reach home abt five.. mum and sis stay at uncle's house todae till sundae perhaps or mondae.. so i can sleep on my parent's bed lor..hoho.. three days the bed is mine.. comfortable and nice bed.. ZZZ
Sunday, April 24, 2005 | 12:43 AM | Top
blog so late cause i just came back from outside.. after bathing realli relaxing.. ok.. todae went for the seminar.. so we meet others in the bus where some meet st the bus stop ar, then got some wait at the interchange. zhi ming was the last one yet he live so near.. and somemore he forget to take the seminar's receipt.ok fine.. anway he still able to get in.. then we reach just nice eight o'clock.. then we sit one whole row together.. then the first speaker was mr ramesh.. he realli realli funny.. look abit like mr bean.. his way of presenting damn humourous and funny.. i was laughing all the way.. he taught us strageies ar, what right and left brain, then memory things with creative.. basically im a right brain type.. a right brain does rhythm, creativity , imagination, colours.. let mi explain clearly y am i a right brain.. cause i always daydreaming in class, im exploring my dream.. thats what he say.. then got colours image appear in my dream, some sort like creativity..then what throw things anyway not in sequence wan.. ha.. ok.. im not a left brain. a left brain do things very sequence.. im not that type.. then somemore linearity, logic blah blah..ok.. so after the breakfast and lunch.. another speaker came.. she called cherie.. she taught us how to read passage faster in a shorter time.. reali short time. like read 600 plus words in a minutes.. that possible.. she say there are one 12 yrs old kid read the whole harry potter book in just 12 mins time.. i was like"wha, amazing.." ha.. ok.. but i almost managed to read 600 plus in one mintue after the session.. ok.. then after our tea break, actually we have four eating time todae.. damn full man.. then she talks again.. about our fear ar.. future, goals. and she asked us to close our eyes and visualise..and she blah blah.. then we sang " if we hold on together" that song i like.. i sang and cried actually.. cause my mind was like i reali regretted what i done in those days.. ok.. after dinner, is adamn khoo.. but is with parents de. we can stay and listen.. but we stayed, what he said was repeated.. so we left.. and i, bong , xuan went lot 1 shopping.. took pics.. ha.. then went home around eleven plus.. luckily took the last 61 bus.. ha.
Thursday, April 21, 2005 | 4:42 PM | Top
didn't blog for some days.. so i will say from tuesdae first.. tuesdae after sch.. ivon called mi and asked mi to go for the live recording. cause grace cant go ma. she got work.. but is from 8-11 lei. damn late to mi lor.. but she say won't so late de la.. ok.. then i agreed.. that nite i met her then went to the city harvest church.. we reached there quite eraly, so we went to eat dinner lor. after that queueing up to go b4.. im quite excited abt it althought its just rehearsal todae la.. then song sheet was prepared for us.. i read it.. only some song i noe.. ha.. pastor kong teached us what should we do this or that.. we sang around ten plus song. it will published as a dvd and sell to the world.. so we sang, praise the lord and after we sang finished, i think aorund eleven le ba.. damn late lor.. i was scared no bus to go home nehz. so got shuttle bus brought us to the mrt station.. i got to walk back to the bus stop again. big round.. waste time. but luckily got bus to go home. luckily.. then next dae i didn;t go to sch.. got gastric pain. maybe yesterdae didn't dinner ba. so on wed.. i went to c doctor. after that ivon came to my house. then met bong to go for the youth gathering. but in the end. is a waste trip.. cause they got to practise for the cheer all those thing. then we are o'level student. so we dun wan to go lor.. then we found out. only we three are o'level student. so pai seh.. ha.. i then went straight for the live recording again. was live de. real wan.. but only for the second disc lor.. first disc is thursdae. but yesterdae worst.. eleven something then finished.. i was nervous. realli scared no bus.. by the time i reached bus stop, already twelve plus le.. but i waited, and finally got bus to go home. wat a close shave.. otherwise got to walk home le.ha.. then went to sch todae. damn tired.. yesterdae didn't slp enough time.. luckily todae no need go for th live recording. otherwise.... my panda eyes going to come out le.
Friday, April 15, 2005 | 9:25 PM | Top
todae in the morning wake up.. took a earlier bus then meet bong and lala to take cake.. for mrs michell's bir de.. tml is her bir ma.. so going to celebrate todae.. todae is our school 40th annual anniversery...only study until 10.30.. yeah man.. but still got lesson.. haiz. those audience went to the hall for rehearsing.. diao lei.. then after sch.. i went to the art room.. those pupils had prepared to give a surprise to mrs michell.. ha.. then once the door opened.. we say happy birthdae.. wa.. great man.. she was surpried.. so after that i and xiuwen went jurong east.. ha.. k box oh.. from 11-2pm.. cause we got nothing to do ma.. sing sing.. we love to sing "dong hua" so gan dong nehz.. and ke lian..:( then reach sch around three something.. we went to the music room.. get our costume and got change.. make up liao.. then warm up.. just like what we did for SYF. took alot pics too.. ha.. when times up.. we went down to the canteen, then next to the back stage.. and finally... choir performance.. yeah.. was so nervous man.. i was standing at the second row the last person at the side.. after finished singing.. u noe what guys told us. they said the mic wasn't on.. diao.. no wonder we cant hear boys la.. anyway is still sound great to mi.. best performance after so many times of practices.. we went straight to the canteen. eat buffet..damn hungry after waiting and singing for soo long.. haiz. todse our last performance for the choir.. haiz.. abit she bu de nehz.. well.. just hopping that choir will continue be so great.. he... and cant wait for the choir performing in NDP.. :P
Thursday, April 14, 2005 | 10:36 PM | Top
hey hey.. todae my bir oh.. i am officially 17 yrs old le.. another yr older.. haiz. lao le.. time really run very very fast.. so fast im 17.. just remember back.. i thought im still secondary one or two.. but now already sec five liao.. haiz.. so fast.. ok la.. todae recieved some presents from my dear friends.. he.. thanks ya.. and some wishing from my classmates and choir members.. they even sang mi bir song.. aiyo.. so touched.. ha.. even bir got to go for rehearsal.. dun have time to go celebrate.. but still got la.. after the rehearsal.. i went meet bong lor.. but we got went home change clothes lor.. or not chao chao.. ha.. we went to eat sakae sushi.. so many ppl.. line up abt fifteen minutes..?? not sure.. i didn't take note of the time..we eat very fast.. not eat alot la.. then went shopping..our zui ai.. ha... i didn't brought anything. bong got brought a perm hair wan.. make curly de.. i wan..make le nice sia.. went home abt ten lor.. after some hours.. my bir over le.. so fast.. gonna wait another yr.. ha....
Sunday, April 10, 2005 | 8:20 PM | Top
early wake up todae.. hm... yesterdae went for cell group meeting then went to bugis to have our lunch.. after that.. go walk walk lor.. after walked for some times, we leave our members first.. cause im going to my auntie house swimming.. ha.. bong and wen also went there.. he.. so as we reached the house there,alot ppl was there wor.. ok.. then we got change and jump down to the swimming pool... ha.. todae went eat breakfast with bong, wen and huili.. we went long john sliver eat lor.. saw kim ng.. zai pai xi oh.. she was fnding what ten yr old kids la.. then they all kep suaning mi ask mi go find her.. cause i look like ten yrs old.. aiyooo... then after that went to city harvest... before that got bible study, we were late but anyway mangae to finsh our chapter one.. ok.. after the preaching.. we went to nearby coffee shop with my cell group members.. they often went there after the meeting.. so after all eat finished.. we play zong ji mi ma.. ha.. was damn fun.. gthose lose wan.. got to draw pic on his/her hand. i was kanna once. ha.. then before we go.. a big surprise came.. my cell group member celebrate my bir and hui li's bir.. they handmade a big butterfly for mi.. it was anwesome.. and also brought cakes for us.. they gave mi a bible that i longed to have after i joined city harvest.. so it save mi alot of money actually.. ha... was so touched what they have done for mi... well.. thanks for what u all have done.. im appreciated a lot.. :) this is the handmade butterfly they gave mi.. nice?? 
Wednesday, April 06, 2005 | 8:39 PM | Top
forget to blog my day for yesterdae. so i got to blog todae.. well.. yesterdae was a important dae for mi.. ha.. its SYF. well.. was nervous all the way to the stage.. we being call out during assembly.. then all went to the music room. so we were ask who haven eat breakfast.. alot ppl raise up thier hands..so for us. those wo ate breakfast liao.. we went to change lor..then after i change finished.. u cant imagine what hapenened.. the emergency bell rang.. and u noe we like wearing our costume.. we cant even go to the field to assemble.. luckily, mrs lim allow us for excusing. so we wait in the foryer.. then after all choir members came back, we went back to the music, prepare for warm up, then make up... we all doll up like... cant explain.. my face all pink pink red red de.. ha... our costume was a purple wan.. with ribbon at the side shoulder.. then got tie a pink ribbon to the hair.. at eleven, we start to get up the bus and ready to go.... yipee.. in bus, we still trying to sing, practise those line we are not sure.. as we reached.. alot others sch choir reached le. then we all waited at the assembly area.. one by one went to the practice room.. after that, its our turn.. i smiled, slowly walked to the stage and stand on the first stair.. we smiled all the way ill the painst arrived.. he was late.. he late abt ten mins.. then my smiled started to become fake.. ha.. ok.. finally, the painst came , we then happily sing.. sing sing till the last song. we bowed and slowly went out.. after that.. i was relieved.. i keep asking myself," are we singing well?" ok.. anyway is over... so we watched woodgrove sec sch.. they were the last sch in the morning session.. then we waited the result.. as they read our sch.. i was panicked.. "yusof ishak sec sch, bronze" i was happi but abit sad. cause thought we could get a sliver.. haiz.. after sch.. went k box with bong, wen and kristy... dunnoe when was the last time i went there. last yr?? ha.. was singing madly.. all like siao char bo.. ha... anyway.. was happi todae... :P
Friday, April 01, 2005 | 10:21 PM | Top
todae was a real tiring dae.. after sch went for choir at 1.30.. supposed to be 3.30 wan. but then they wan us come earlier dunnoe for what. ok.. then we went, we discussd abt the syf stuff ar, what make- but they win up ar.. what colour for the ribbon ar.. meet what time ar.. and somemore on the day of sfy, we got to go for the first period for our english reading. actually dun have wan. but then mrs lim wan us to... what can we do.. after that, all the time is for the choir. prepare for everything. cant wait for the syf.. ha.. and after discussing. we like nothin to do le lor, is an hour before the choir start. we like sitting there do bo. play game.. ha. hand game. then exco was having meeting. we go for our own rehearsal lor.. after that, went for the dabates lor.. they all got soemthing on to do as like door god.. press the bell wan.. where i can walk anywhere i wan. was boring. but got ting pei.. ha.. went for two section.. one is mgs against chij.. not sure who win.. i went out earlier. then went for our sch wan.. actully i never thought our sch will win. cause they say" limit=ban"? i was huh.. they same meaning mehz. but they win anyway.. congratulate them... went home abt eight plus.. tml got cell group meeting. got to slp earlier. nite blog.
More About Me
Currently working part time job as a beauty advisor.
Graduated from Ngee Ann poly, diploma of Electronic & comp eng
Attached to Mr Wayne Lai :)
PINK is her favourite colour.(as you can see from my blogskin):)
further study next year, perhaps SIM studying business course?
wanne go overseas by end of this year! taiwan, hongkong, bangkok... anywhere!
i love winnie!
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